Hamline Church

Author: admin

March is Minnesota Foodshare Month

As of March 16, our total is 1338 dollars/lbs! Keep it coming!

March is Minnesota FoodShare month and Hamline Church is again collecting gifts of food and dollars for local food shelves. Contributions will be collected throughout the month. Tan envelopes for cash donations are in the pews. Our goal for 2017 is 2500 in pounds of food. One dollar = one pound of food. Every contribution is greatly appreciated! Our contributions support Keystone and Interfaith Action’s Department of Indian Work food shelf.

The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign is the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state, accomplished by participating groups and individuals engaged in the fight against hunger in support of our 300 partner food shelves.

All the Information at mnfoodshare.org >

January Sermon Series: The New Reign

januaryAs we enter the new year and a new President comes into office in the United States, it’s worth asking the question: what if Jesus were were in charge? From Jesus’ humble beginnings, it is clear that God sent Jesus to be a different kind of ruler than the world had ever seen before. He was to bring about a new reign – a reign where the lowly are lifted up, the proud are scattered, and what is unjust is made right. This January, we explore what it looks like to follow a leader like Jesus in America right here, right now.

January 8
Epiphany | “Jesus the Refugee”

January 15
Baptism | “Jesus the Commoner”

January 22
Calling | “Jesus’s Cabinet”
with special guest preacher,
Dr. Silas Morgan from the Hamline University Religion Department

Hamline Church Votes to become an Altar for All Congregation

On Sunday, December 4, 2016 Hamline Church voted unanimously to become an Altar for All Congregation. At Hamline Church, the Christian altar is open to all loving couples who can legally marry and who request to make vows in the church, recognizing their belief in the sacred covenant of Christian marriage.

The Full Resolution Says:

We, Hamline Church, as a United Methodist congregation, have committed to supporting and honoring same-sex marriages in the same way that we support and honor other marriages. We believe that banning same-sex marriage is inconsistent with Christ’s teaching, and the constitution of the United Methodist Church. We fully recognize and assume the risks associated with these commitments, because we are called upon by God, through Jesus Christ, to resist injustice and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. Our sanctuary is open for all to make a commitment of love and fidelity through Christian marriage.

Weddings at Hamline Church

Frequently Asked Questions

Bread Oven Summer 2016 Schedule

Wednesday, July 20th
July Pizza and an Outdoor Movie
Free Wood-Fire Pizza and The “Original” Love Bug
Pizza at 6:00 pm and the movie starts at dusk

Wednesday, August 17th
August Pizza and an Outdoor Movie
Free Wood-Fire Pizza and Shaun the Sheep
Pizza at 6:00 pm and the movie starts at dusk

Saturday, August 20th
Portable Oven Building Class
Learn how to build an outdoor oven in two hours in your backyard
Class Fee $80 and the class is from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/portable-oven-building-class-tickets-26250798846?aff=eac2