Hamline Church

Faithful Hospitality

Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul

Faithful Hospitality – Interfaith Action Mobile Shelter

Hamline Church will host a mobile shelter for homeless families during the months of April and May. The families are asylum seekers from mostly Central and South America who entered the US at the southern border and were then sent north. We are seeking 2 volunteers per night to help guests feel safe and welcome. Volunteer hours are 7pm to 7am (M-F) and 7pm to 8am (S-S).

You can sign up to be an overnight host now at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084EABAA28A6F58-48264802-faithful#/.

Sign-ups will also be available during Sunday’s coffee hour where you can learn more from the leadership team. Join us in welcoming our neighbors!

For questions or more information, please contact Paul Klinger (Paul.D.Klinger@gmail.com), JoEllen Ambrose (joellen.ambrose@gmail.com) or Julie Elder (juliewardelder@gmail.com).

Watch the volunteer training video and read training materials (PDF).